Wadi University President appoints new Vice President for Scientific Research

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Wadi University President appoints new Vice President for Scientific Research

Today, January 14, 2024, the Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, appointed the new Deputy Director of Scientific Research and Training in the Third and Post-Graduation Phase, Professor Rahuma Farhat, succeeding Professor Boubaker Mansour. The inauguration ceremony was attended by the Director of University Services, the Vice-Directors of the University, the Deans of the Faculties, and the Secretary-General of the University. The Director of the University praised the competence of Professor Rahuma Farhat, a researcher in physics, in the field of training, management, and scientific research. He also noted the efforts made by his former deputy, Professor Boubaker Mansour, who contributed a lot in training and scientific research throughout his years of work.
On this occasion, the former Vice President, Professor Boubaker Mansour, gave a farewell speech in which he thanked the University President for his support in his duties throughout his years of work. He also thanked the Deans for their constant cooperation, wishing the new Vice President success.
The new deputy, Professor Rahoma Farhat, also gave a speech to the university director about the trust he had placed in him, hoping that he would be up to the task entrusted to him.
The Vice-Rectors, the Director of University Services, and the Deans wished the former Vice-Rector success in his professional life and the new Vice-Rector all the best in the tasks assigned to him.






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