Closing and announcing the results of the international programming competition at the University of El Oued. The University of Biskra ranks first in the international programming competition for university students.

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Conclusion and announcement of the results of the international programming competition at Al Wadi University 

University of Biskra ranks first in the international programming competition for university students.

Today, Tuesday, October 11, 2022, the international programming competition for university students concluded at the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, under the supervision of the University Director, Professor Omar Farhati, the official of the Souf Academy Foundation, Mr. Bassi Maamar, the representative of the Arab Academy for Science and Technology affiliated with the League of Arab States, Ms. Iman Rahmani, the Vice-Director of the University in charge of External Relations, Professor Habib Qadda, and Mr. Secretary-General of the University of El Oued, Shawki Madallal.  
The closing ceremony began with a speech by the university director to the participating students about the importance of this scientific field and these cognitive and research competitions that always push towards improving the quality of education and creating job opportunities through adopting start-up projects. He congratulated the winners in advance and urged them to represent Algeria in the best possible way in the upcoming competitions, and that every participant in this competition is a winner. The director of the Souf Academy Foundation also extended his thanks to the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar and to the university director for his efforts in making this international competition a success and providing all the possibilities, and thanking all the teams. The director of the competition gave a detailed explanation to the teams about the evaluation process, expressing gratitude and thanks to the family of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar and to the director for the generous hospitality and providing all the conditions on behalf of all the participating teams.
To announce the results, the University of Biskra team won first place, while the National Higher School of Computer Science took second and third places.

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