El Oued University organizes a study day on the national role of the Scout Movement in the stages of liberation and state building

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El Oued University organizes a study day on the national role of the Scout Movement in the stages of liberation and state building
On the occasion of the double anniversary of the National Day of Memory and the National Day of Islamic Scouting, which coincides with the 82nd anniversary of the martyrdom of the founder of the Scout Movement, Commander Mohamed Bouras, today, May 17, 2023, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Shahid Hama Lakhdar, in coordination with the Mujahideen Directorate and the Algerian Islamic Scouts Governorate, organized a study day on the national role of the Scout Movement. In the stages of liberation and state building in the Mediatek Hall, in the presence of the Governor of the Said Valley State, Akhrouf, the President of the State Popular Assembly, Ezzedine Hassani, the University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, the head of the Valley Department, members of the national and local elected councils, the security authorities, the director of the Mujahideen, the Islamic Scouts’ frameworks, and the governor of Forests, the Dean of the College of Social and Human Sciences, professors, specialists and the media family.
The University Rector opened the school day, welcoming the attendees and praising the efforts of the Islamic Scouts family for their lofty goals and high national, educational and moral values, which always contribute to the development and preservation of society. The Rector also congratulated the residents of the state on the occasion of the rise of the USS Soviet Sports Federation team to the first national division. After a series of victories achieved thanks to the distinguished role of the club president and the accompaniment of the local and elected authorities, and this achievement is a continuation of the many victories achieved by a number of local sports teams in the state, announcing the opening of the school day in the name of the governor of the state.
The Dean of the College of Social Sciences, Dr. Ammar Gharaysa, also gave a welcoming speech to the attendees, and referred to the occasion and celebration of the National Day of Islamic Scouting, which in turn is always in the service of the nation and the citizen and the consolidation of the values of religion and nation in the souls of young people. He referred to the commemoration of the martyrdom of the founder of the Scout Movement, Commander Boras Muhammad, and wished Good luck and success for this school day.
Mr. Boumshra Abdelhak, a representative of the Commander-in-Chief of the Islamic Scouts, also gave a speech in which he mentioned the importance and foundations of this Scouting family as an ancient school in consolidating the Islamic identity and developing the national spirit and praying for the heroes of Algeria, the male and female Mujahideen. The event included a video presentation about the Islamic Scouting.
On the occasion, the family of the Mujahid Abdul Qadir Al-Amoudi, the family of the Mujahid Al-Tayeb Kharaz, and the family of the Mujahid Alawi Saleh were also honored for the efforts and sacrifices they made for the homeland. Glory and eternity go to our righteous martyrs.



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