- Agricultural Sciences
- Nature and life sciences
- Economy and Management
- Technological sciences
- Exact sciences
- Educational Sciences
- Rights
- english language
Master: First and second year
PhD: Starting from the second year
Required files for students:
- Certificate of registration for the current year
- Class rank certificate (for last season for doctoral students, rank 05 years Master)
– Academic track transcripts (in English)
- Motivational letter in English
- Letter of recommendation in English (mandatory for PhD students)
– Work plan in English for master’s students and research plan for doctoral students
- Certificate of proficiency in the English language, at least (B2)
- A letter of acceptance from the granting university (mandatory for doctoral students and second-year master’s students)
Required documents:
- CV in English
- Certificate of proficiency in the language of the receiving country, if any (Serbian)
- A copy of a passport valid for at least 6 months
- Certificate proving limited income for low-income earners (salary or unemployment statement for the guardian)
- For people with special needs, a certificate proving their status
- List of scientific publications for doctoral students, if any
- Information form (attached to the advertisement)
Staff category:
Duration: 7 days (5 teaching days + 2 travel days)
Required files for employees:
- Motivational letter in English
- Certificate of proficiency in English or the language of the receiving country
- Information form (attached to the advertisement)
- Important dates:
- Files must be submitted to the College Vice Deanship for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research or the Institute before November 18, 2021.
- Initial admission is at the level of Wadi University.
- Final acceptance by the receiving university
note :
- After final acceptance, students are required to complete the Learning Agreement document, which will be sent to you later after you are selected.
- From the employees Mobility Agreement will be sent to you later after you are selected.
- Please visit the university website to learn about the required majors and the available subjects according to each major, so that the student collects 30 units (30 Credits) in one semester (spring semester) at the following link: https://en.kg.ac.rs
- The student selection guide and selection criteria are found in the attachments.