The Deputy Vice Chancellor for Scientific Research holds a working session with laboratory directors

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The Deputy Vice Chancellor for Scientific Research holds a working session with laboratory directors

Today, January 18, 2024, the Vice-Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar - El Oued - in charge of scientific research, Professor Rahouma Farhat, held a coordination meeting in the meeting hall at the center with the directors of the laboratories to study its budget for the year 2024 and how to distribute it.
During the meeting, the points included in the agenda related to the disbursement of the laboratories budget for the year 2024 and its distribution according to the new code, with the help of the old code, were discussed.
The Vice President for Scientific Research gave a presentation on the details of scientific research expenses in laboratories, including scientific conferences, equipment, tools and scientific equipment, and an explanation of inventory records and notes.
Calling on laboratory directors to implement all procedures stipulated in the new code in spending the budget.
During the meeting, the attendees raised a number of concerns related to the agenda items.






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