The Faculty of Law and Political Science at Al Wadi University organizes the Future Lawyer Competition.

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The Faculty of Law and Political Science at Al Wadi University organizes the Future Lawyer Competition.

 The Faculty of Law and Political Science at the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar-El Oued, in partnership with the Regional Organization of the Bar Association of Ouargla and with the accompaniment of the El Oued Judicial Council, organized on Sunday, May 15, 2022, and within the framework of scientific activities, the second edition of the Future Lawyers Competition, which included, for the first time, a presentation of a virtual trial under the title “The Crime of Kidnapping Children and the Spread of Drugs and Psychotropic Substances in the University Environment.”
The activity was opened by the Dean of the Faculty, Professor Dr. Al-Maki Draji, in the presence of Professor Dr. Bashir Manai on behalf of the University Director, Professor Dr. Omar Farhati, the Deputy Director in charge of Scientific Research, Professor Dr. Boubaker Mansour, the Director of the Symposium, Dr. Lazhar Labidi, in the presence of a representative of the Attorney General, a representative of the Regional Bar Association, the Deans of the Faculties, and the Director of University Services, Abdelhakim Khaled. A large crowd of students from various specializations participated in this trial. 06 students who played the roles of the defendants’ lawyers defended the case.
 Under the supervision of a jury composed of 03 lawyers accredited by the council, this event was admired by the attendees. The committee announced the qualification of 03 students, and the name of the student “Lawyer of the Future” will be announced at the Student Day celebration corresponding to May 19th, tomorrow, Thursday.
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