Linguistic composition in the Souf region during the colonial period is the subject of a study day at the University of the Valley

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Linguistic composition in the Souf region during the colonial period is the subject of a study day at the University of the Valley

The Laboratory of Cognitive Integration between Arabic Language Sciences and Social Sciences of the Faculty of Arts and Languages at the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar El Oued organized 
May 11, 2022, a study day on linguistic composition in the Souf region (notable figures and works) with the participation and attendance of an elite group of professors and interested parties.
The scientific event was supervised by Professor Dr. Masoud Waqad, Dean of the College. According to the Director of the Laboratory, Professor Dr. Nabil Mezouar, this scientific event aimed to contribute to building the national scientific memory, as well as highlighting the efforts of Souf scholars in preserving the national identity through these scientific monuments. It also aims to save the remaining manuscripts in the sciences of language and rhetoric, uncover the obscure ones, and attempt to benefit from this linguistic heritage in the educational process.
According to the director of the study day, Professor Dr. Youssef Badida, the themes of this event are to highlight the cultural and scientific life of the Souf region during the colonial period, to introduce the prominent linguistic authors in the Souf region, to show the educational dimensions in linguistic works, and to present the scientific orientations of Souf scholars through their works. 
    The study day was divided into two sessions. The first session was chaired by Professor Dr. Nabil Mezouar, during which three interventions were presented by professors from the University of El Oued. A second session will be held, chaired by Professor Dr. Ahmed Al-Shaib Arabawi, during which five interventions will be presented by professors from the University of El Oued and the University of Batna, in addition to two interventions by each of Professor Dr. Ashour Qamoun and Professor Dr. Ali Ghnabzia from the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of El Oued. 
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