The Governor of El Oued State visits the Medical Annex at El Oued University

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The Governor of El Oued State visits the Medical Annex at El Oued University
Today, October 10, 2023, Mr. Wali of Oued Said, Akrouf, made a field visit that took him to the Medical Annex of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar. 
He was received by the University President, Professor Omar Farhati, his Deputy for External Relations, the Dean of the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, its Secretary General, and the Director of the Medical Annex. The Wali and the accompanying delegation toured the various facilities of the Medical Annex, including laboratories, classrooms, the library, the reading room, and the administration of the annex. The first official of the executive body of the state also spoke with the students of the Medical Annex and learned how the professors provide lessons to the students. The Wali received comprehensive explanations about the available capabilities and training equipment that the administration is working to provide.










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