Wadi University is distinguished by discussing the first joint graduation thesis within the ministerial decision regarding the certificate of a start-up institution/patent

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Valley University is distinguished

Discussion of the first joint graduation thesis within the ministerial decision regarding the start-up certificate/patent

Today, Monday, June 12, 2023, at the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, in the Mediatech lecture hall, the first joint master's thesis was discussed to obtain a start-up certificate / patent under Ministerial Resolution No. 1275 dated September 27, 2022 under Circular No. 001 dated May 18, 2023. Entitled "Rapid treatment of polluted water using palm waste", it was prepared by the working team consisting of Dr. Al-Arabi Haddad, a lecturer at the Faculty of Exact Sciences, Department of Chemistry, as a supervisor, and students Khadija Trili, Radhia Al-Laheq, Mohamed Osama Hathroubi, Hasna Gharbi and Ramisa Ben Omar. The memorandum was discussed by the committee consisting of Professor Naima Ben Chikha, President of the Faculty of Exact Sciences, Jilani Ghamam Amara, Examiner from the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, Khaled Mansouri, Representative of the University Business Incubator, Mufid Abdel Laoui, Director of the Entrepreneurship House, Messrs. Youssef Rajab, Representative of the Technology and Innovation Support Center, Hisham Muhida, Representative of the Economic Partner, the National Sanitation Office in El Oued, and Hamza Serrai, Representative of the Economic Partner, Algerian Waters, El Oued Unit, in the presence of Mr. Lakhdar Atallah, Director of Algerian Waters, a number of the institution’s executives, Mr. Director of the Incubator, Dr. Fouad Farhat, Professor Dr. Abdel Wahab Mansour, Dean of the Faculty of Exact Sciences and his Deputy for External Relations and Scientific Research, and Dean of the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, Dr. Abdelmalek Zaatar, and his Deputy for Studies and External Relations.
After the incubator director opened the meeting, the students reviewed three main axes in their study: the possibility of using palm waste as a by-product in water treatment, reusing and recycling these materials, and the possibility of using treated water in agricultural irrigation. The results were very promising on the research and economic levels, and the research team reached several important recommendations.
Both committee members and attendees expressed interest in the topic due to its close connection to current reality, especially with what the world knows today regarding the problem of water pollution.
It is worth noting that the research team is the first at the national level to include two different specializations, namely organic chemistry and environmental and environmental diversity from the faculties of exact sciences and natural and life sciences, which was emphasized by the supervisor on the necessity and possibility of unifying efforts between everyone, especially if the problem being studied is related to the most important substance on earth, which is water. It should also be noted that the team obtained a patent and is waiting to obtain the innovative project mark, which was mentioned by the same supervisor, to conclude the discussion with the committee congratulating the supervisor for his clear efforts and awarding the students full marks with distinction.




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