The launch of the eighth edition of the National University Monologue Festival at El Oued University

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The launch of the eighth edition of the National University Monologue Festival at El Oued University 

Today, February 27, 2023, the Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, gave the signal to start the eighth edition of the National University Monologue Festival, which is organized in the Grand Lecture Hall of Abou El Qasem Saadallah by the University Services Directorate in coordination with the Association for Cultural Radiance for Creative Youth. This theatrical event was attended by the President of the Wilaya People's Assembly, Ezzeddine Hassani, his deputy, Fares Belbasi, the Director of Culture for the Wilaya of El Oued, the representative of the Director of Tourism and Director of the House of Culture, Mohamed El Amin El Amoudi, the Director of University Services and its executives, the Secretary-General of the University, and guests of honor from Tunisia, Mauritania and Palestine, professors, artists and theater specialists. A large gathering of students and those interested in theatrical art. The festival includes nine participants in the competition and an honorary show for the State of Tunisia. It also includes several workshops: a playwriting workshop, an actor preparation workshop, a scenography workshop, and a directing workshop.
The National University Monologue Festival aims to:
To establish great values in loving one’s country, taking pride in belonging to the nation, and building bridges of communication and acquaintance between the people of one country.
It fortifies the elements of national identity in a way that preserves the ideas of young people, and also provides an opportunity for artistic creativity in the university environment and instills a spirit of brotherhood and love among students. It also contributes to discovering and refining talents among students, and the birth of new interests for students, especially the art of theatre.
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