A joint international master’s project between the University of Oued and the University of Gafsa

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A joint international master’s project between the University of Oued and the University of Gafsa  

Today, Monday, March 13, the University’s Deputy Rector for External Relations and Cooperation, Professor Habib Qadda, chaired a remote meeting with the Tunisian University of Gafsa. The meeting was attended by the administrative and pedagogical staff of the College of Technology and the Department of Electrical Engineering, headed by Dr. Ali Shamsa, Dean of the College, Dr. Masoud Hatiri, Head of the Department, and many of the department’s professors. He attended from the University of Gafsa
Professor Imad Al-Bazdouri, Dean of the College of Science, and Professor Adel Dalali.
The meeting revolved around a project to implement a joint international master’s degree in smart systems and advanced technology. The attendees discussed the importance of the project and the mechanisms for its implementation, waiting for other sessions to discuss the content and methods of managing the project. It is expected that this project will give a strong impetus to the 5+5 cooperation agreement and open better opportunities for students to enter the labor market or continue doctoral research.

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