The linguistic reference to the term in Islamic heritage is the subject of an international forum for the Faculty of Languages and Literature at the University of the Valley

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The linguistic reference to the term in Islamic heritage is the subject of an international forum for the Faculty of Languages and Literature at the University of the Valley 

The topic “The Linguistic Reference of Terminology in the Islamic Heritage - From the Elaboration of Concepts to its Establishment” formed the topic of the international forum, which was launched today, March 13, 2023, and lasts for two days and is organized by the Faculty of Arts and Languages of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar in coordination with the Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis Laboratory.
Professors from Al-Wadi University and several universities at the national level participated in this scientific demonstration, which took place in the Mediatech Hall, and scientific participation from the State of Palestine, where the number of participants reached about 65 scientific participants. The demonstration was also marked by a large presence of professors and students.
The University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, opened this international event and considered it an extension of the pedagogical action, which is the basis for student formation, indicating that the university welcomes all scientific initiatives that complement the pedagogical action. He also praised the importance of the laboratory in forming and training students in scientific research, noting the effective role that the college plays in serving the university. He also noted the international linguistic scientific demonstration that was previously organized by the English Department in this college, in which the international philosopher and linguist Noam Chomsky participated in an important intervention that had Great impact at the university and national levels.
The Dean of the College and Director of the Laboratory, Professor Dalal Washan, also welcomed the honorable attendance, noting the importance of the forum’s topic, which is the linguistic reference for the term. She pointed out that scholars from ancient times have been keen to generate and renew the terminological system to keep pace with developments from every era and to interrogate and develop concepts in the sciences of the Arabic language.
The scientific demonstration aims - according to the organizers of the event - to explain the role of Muslim philosophers in establishing the science of terminology and rereading the philosophical heritage through searching for the specialized term and highlighting and monitoring the characteristics and advantages of the terminology of philosophers from other scholars in terms of quantity, quality and treatment, then establishing the establishment of a special dictionary of terminology of philosophers in all sciences from During close reading of their scientific texts.
The interventions were distributed around a number of topics: the terminological system and its characteristics in the Islamic philosophical heritage, the references of the term in the Islamic philosophical heritage, the migration of the term through temporal sciences in the Islamic philosophical heritage, the fields of the term in the philosophical heritage: applications on blogs.
It is expected that the work of the International Forum for the Linguistic Reference of the Term in the Islamic Philosophical Heritage will be concluded with practical recommendations that serve the service and development of the term.

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