Mrs. Ned Fatima appointed as the official of the Exact Sciences Library

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Mrs. Ned Fatima appointed as the official of the Exact Sciences Library

Mr. Sub-Director of Users and Training and Mrs. Director of the Central Library, Jabou Adila, along with the Secretary General of the Faculty of Exact Sciences, Dr. Hani Al-Sadig, supervised the installation of Mrs. Naid Fatima as the new head of the Library of the Faculty of Exact Sciences, succeeding Mrs. Abbas Warda. The installation ceremony was attended by Mrs. Makkawi Hassina, Head of the Administrative Users Service at the Central Administration, and Mrs. Boughzala Afef, Head of the Users Service at the Faculty.

The Secretary General of the College thanked Ms. Warda Abbas for her efforts during her period of supervision of the library, wishing the new official success in her work.


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