Summary of the outcomes of the national sessions to reform the higher education and scientific research sector of the universities of the East

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Summary of the outcomes of the national sessions to reform the higher education and scientific research sector of the universities of the East


Today, Thursday, June 22, 2023, the Director of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar - El Oued - Professor Omar Farhati held a working session to present the outcomes of the national sessions for the reform of higher education and scientific research and its modernization for the universities of the East, in the presence of the Deputy Director for External Relations, Professor Qaddah Al-Habib, the Deputy Director for Scientific Research, Professor Boubaker Mansour, and for Development and Foresight, Dr. Lasoud Abdel Halim, and the members of the committee, Professors Ammar Al-Zaabi, Othman Houidak, Fares Asaadi, Hisham Gharbi, and the Director of Sub-Activities, Bashir Zidane, and Mrs. Khadija Ben Mubarak.
The University President opened the meeting of the sessions of the project for reforms and modernization of the higher education and scientific research sector with a welcoming speech to the committee members and the importance of what is being presented in the field of modernization of higher education and scientific research according to the recommendations of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the meetings of the regional symposium of the universities of the East, in which the University of El Oued participates in discussing one of the major axes in the areas of governance, the living environment of the student and legal support, focusing on the objectives set out in these sessions.
 Professors Shawqi Qaddadra, Faris Asaadi, and Zaabi Ammar also presented presentations and explanatory notes in the form of preliminary reports in the same fields, and opened the door to discussion and exchange of viewpoints to present proposals that will be included in the final report, which contribute to raising the level of the university, higher education, and scientific research in Algeria.


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