A landslide national victory for the University of El Oued in the National Scientific Week in Setif 1

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A landslide national victory for the University of El Oued in the National Scientific Week in Setif 1

Today, the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar - El Oued - achieved a landslide victory in the competitions of the National University Scientific Week organized by the University of Setif 1 from May 15 to 19 with the participation of 106 university institutions.
 The results of the competition were announced at the closing ceremony, which was supervised by the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Abdelbaqi Benziane, accompanied by the Minister of Agriculture, the Governor of Setif and local authorities.
According to the Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, the first place nationally in the “Best Thesis in 180 Seconds” competition was won by Mokrani Omar Ibn Al-Khattab from the University of El Oued. In the energy security axis, the first place nationally was won by Attia Abdelmalek and Farhat Mohamed Fouad from the University of El Oued. In the competition for the best national scientific club for students, the first place nationally was won by Qaid Nadhir - Ibn Sina Club, University of El Oued. The University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar was also ranked among the top 25 universities out of a total of 106 universities according to the University Classification Committee, pending the determination of the ranking process later. The winners were also honored on this occasion, as well as the historian Abu Al-Qasim Saadallah, represented by his son Ahmed.
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