Hiring 217 new professors at El Oued University

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Hiring 217 new professors at El Oued University
Today, September 3, 2023, approximately 217 new professors - Section B - who hold Master’s and Doctorate degrees from the category of non-recruited employees received their inauguration minutes in a ceremony supervised by the University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, in the Grand Lecture Hall, Abu Al-Qasim Saadallah, and attended by his deputies for pedagogy, external relations, and training in The third phase, scientific research, development and foresight, deans of colleges, those in charge of studies, and various university frameworks. 
During his orientation speech, the University President extended his congratulations to the new professors who met the employment conditions and called on them to adopt the behavior of an exemplary professor while teaching and during their relationships with their colleagues and students, with their college officials, and with the university administration. The university director considered that employing this large number for the first time at the University of the Valley constitutes a historical and qualitative precedent, given the qualitative addition expected of them in their various specializations. He also called on them to be proud of this noble job, of belonging to the university, and of preserving the homeland and the state. He also urged them to participate in various research projects, participate in scientific demonstrations, and publish their academic articles, while motivating them that publishing one article in an advanced A+ journal would be equivalent to benefiting from a internship abroad.
On the occasion, the new professors were briefed on the various pedagogical training programs, the new pedagogical laws, the in-person and distance training program, the training program in the English language and digitization, the university incubator activity, scholarships, training sessions, and scientific demonstrations presented by the deputy director, those in charge of studies, digitization, the incubator, and the distance training coordinator. Chairman of the Professional Ethics Committee. The new professors also visited the colleges they were directed to, which were estimated at eight colleges.


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