Dr. Mohamed Fouad Farhat appointed as Vice President of Wadi University for External Relations

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Dr. Mohamed Fouad Farhat appointed as Vice President of Wadi University for External Relations

Today, Sunday, December 17, 2023, the Director of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, appointed Dr. Mohamed Fouad Farhat as his deputy for external relations, succeeding Professor Al-Qadda Al-Habib, who was appointed Director of the Higher School of Saharan Agriculture. 
The assignment ceremony took place during the meeting dedicated to student mobility and preparation for the first semester exam, in the presence of the vice-directors, the director of the Higher School of Saharan Agriculture, the university’s secretary-general, the deans of the faculties and their deputies in charge of pedagogy, the heads of departments, the heads of fields, branches and specializations, the sub-director of means and maintenance, and student representatives.
The University President praised the great efforts made by his former deputy throughout the years he held the position, and he also noted the seriousness and activity of the newly appointed Director of the Business Incubator.
Professor Al-Qaddah Al-Habib and Dr. Farhat Muhammad Fuad gave speeches in which they each expressed the achievements made by Al-Wadi University thanks to the efforts of the entire university family, headed by the Director. 
On this occasion, Professor Al-Qadda Al-Habib, Director of the Higher School of Desert Agriculture, was honored by the University President in recognition of his efforts and effectiveness during his tenure as Deputy Director of External Relations.






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