Okazia for Popular Poetry, Faculty of Arts and Languages, Al Wadi University

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Okazia for Popular Poetry, Faculty of Arts and Languages, Al Wadi University

Today, December 18, 2022, the Faculty of Arts and Languages at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar Okkazia organized the Poetic Illumination on the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of the Arabic Language, with the participation of a group of great poets of classical Arabic and the masters of popular poetry.
This poetry event, which was hosted by the Abu Al-Qasim Saad Allah Grand Lecture Hall, was held in coordination between the college, the Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis Laboratory, the Literary Radiance Club, the Media Talents Club, and the Basmat Amal Club at the university.
The literary event was attended by the Vice President of the Algerian Writers Union, poet Saeed Harir, and the Head of the Writers Union’s State Office, poet Dr. Saleh Khattab. The event was also attended by the Honorary President of the Algerian House of Poetry, writer and author Bashir Khalaf, and the Head of the House of Poetry Office for the State of El Oued, poet Bashir Gharib.
The opening of this literary event was supervised by the University Director, Professor Omar Farhati, accompanied by the Dean of the College, Professor Dalal Washan, who welcomed the attendees and praised the poets and writers for their support and response to the invitation, wishing to strengthen the literary and cultural relations between the College and the poets, writers and organizations active in this field.
In his opening speech, the University President, after welcoming the guests, stressed the importance of this literary poetic event and the role of the Arabic language in preserving national and human values, especially as we live - as he said - the atmosphere of celebrating the International Day of the Arabic Language, which is considered a global language and is ranked among the top languages in the United Nations. The University President highlighted the strength, quality and eloquence of Arabic, citing verses from some of the great poets of pre-Islamic times such as Al-Khansa, Zuhair bin Abi Salma and others. The University President also thanked the Dean of the College and the officials of the cultural clubs for organizing the Okadhiya before announcing the official opening of the event, after which the poets took turns on the stage to recite their poems to the applause and encouragement of the audience.
Among the classical poets, we can mention the poets Saleh Khattab, Al-Saeed Harir, Ibrahim Baloul, Al-Hajj Nasira, Abdul Hamid Nasira, Reda Bouzidi, Saad Mardif, Bashir Gharib, Marwan Hamdi, and Fawzia Shanna. Among the great poets of popular poetry are: Abdul Majeed Anad, Mubarak Lahmadi, Shoshani Al-Jilani, Al-Mahdi Ghamam Amara, and Abdul Hakim Khaliqa. The Basmat Amal Club also organized a book fair on the sidelines of the event.
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