A cooperation meeting between El Oued University and Olga International Academy

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A cooperation meeting between El Oued University and Olga International Academy
Today, January 14, 2024, the Director of the University of Chahid Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, supervised a cooperation meeting between the university and the Tunisian Olga International Academy, which specializes in the field of training and establishing emerging institutions.
The academy delegation was represented by its director, Ms. Olfa Al-Adhari, and the academy’s incubator official, Sayed Ahmed. While the business incubator of the University of the Valley was represented by its director, Dr. Mohamed Fouad Farhat, this meeting falls within the Algerian-Tunisian cooperation relations in the field of entrepreneurship and emerging enterprises. The university director welcomed the delegation of the Tunisian Academy, noting its role in services and training in the field of entrepreneurship and emerging enterprises, calling for benefiting from its experience extending to Algeria and Africa. The academy representative gave a presentation on the role of the university institutional incubator and the private sector incubator and the relationship between them in supporting and developing emerging institutions, in addition to presenting the Tunisian experience in this field.
The director of the business incubator at the University of the Valley also presented the success of the incubator’s experience and the patents that amounted to 165 patents.
For reference, the meeting was attended by the Vice Chancellors of the University, the Deans of Faculties, the Secretary General of the University, and the official of the Center for Physicochemical Research and Analysis. The meeting included an exchange of views and discussions about the Algerian and Tunisian experiences in the field of emerging institutions and transforming them into effective companies and the role of the institutional and private sectors in financing them and bringing them into existence.









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