Valley University stands in solidarity with Palestinian students

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Valley University stands in solidarity with Palestinian students

Today, January 21, 2024, the university family at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar organized a solidarity meeting in honor of Palestinian students studying at the University of El Oued. The university director, Professor Omar Farhati, met in the honorary hall with the representative of Palestinian students, Mohamed Abdelkrim Mokdad, a third-year doctoral student specializing in psychology. The meeting was attended by the director of university services, the vice-director of the university for external relations, the dean of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, and the secretary-general of the university. The university director expressed to the Palestinian student from Gaza the solidarity of the university family, and behind it all of Algeria, the state and the people, with the Palestinian people as they fight with steadfastness and determination the battle of liberation from the clutches of the usurping occupying Zionist enemy, recalling the saying of the late President Houari Boumediene, "Algeria is with Palestine, whether it is the oppressor or the oppressed." The university director also praised the solidarity gesture of the President of the Republic, the government, and the relevant ministry with Palestinian students in Algeria and the facilitation of their pedagogical and service affairs, noting that the University of El Oued is the first university to disburse the new grant allocated to Palestinian students, which was allocated by the President of the Republic.
For his part, the Gazan student expressed his thanks to the University President, Professor Omar Farhati, the Director of Services, Jamal Quraisha, and the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Dr. Ammar Ghraisa, for all the facilities provided to Palestinian students, stressing that these great efforts have a significant impact on their academic and residential lives. He expressed his love and thanks to the entire university family for the generous gesture towards Palestinian students, thanking the President of the Republic for his great interest in Palestinian students and alleviating their suffering by allocating a respectable monthly grant to them, pointing out that the Palestinian people draw inspiration from the struggling Algerian people for the principles of struggle and combat against the occupier until they achieve their full freedom and independence. On this occasion, the Palestinian student presented a souvenir from Gaza in the form of a book about Gaza.
It is worth noting that the Palestinian student, Muhammad Abdul Karim Muqdad Al-Sayyid, accompanied the university director during his tour, which led him to inaugurate the training and information hall at the College of Islamic Sciences.







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