The University of the Valley hosts the third attendance meeting of the Algerian-Tunisian border universities

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The University of the Valley hosts the third attendance meeting of the Algerian-Tunisian border universities
Today, December 11, 2023, at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, the third attendance meeting of the Algerian-Tunisian border universities was launched, and its activities will be held over two days at the Golden Gazelle Resort.
This scientific meeting, which is taking place within the framework of the 5+5 joint agreement, was supervised by the Governor of El Oued State, accompanied by the President of the State People’s Assembly and the local and security authorities, and in the presence of the directors of the Algerian border universities, the coordinator of the Algerian universities, Professor Omar Farhati (Director of the University of El Oued), and the directors of the universities of Tebessa, Souk Ahras, Annaba and El Tarf. And the presidents of the Tunisian universities, namely the coordinator of the Tunisian universities, Professor Kamal Abdel Rahim (President of the University of Gabes), and the presidents of the universities of Gafsa, Jendouba, Kairouan and Sfax, in addition to a Libyan participation that was welcomed by the coordinators of the Algerian and Tunisian universities. They confirmed that it represents a new project that allows the expansion of the joint agreement to include Libyan universities in the future and work to give the agreement a character. Maghreb.
The meeting was also attended by the Director of the Higher School of Desert Agriculture in El Oued, a member of the National Committee for Follow-up of International Twinning Agreements, Professor Qidda Al-Habib, the Vice Chancellors of the University, the Secretary General of the University, the Deans of Colleges, and professors from the universities of the two countries. After the welcome speeches and the opening statements of university administrators, the participating parties held a working session to determine and adjust the upcoming work program and come up with practical recommendations that will be announced tomorrow, Tuesday, upon the conclusion of this meeting.









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