Chairman of the National Committee for the Visual Promotion and Classification of Higher Education Institutions on a scientific visit to the University of the Valley

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Chairman of the National Committee for the Visual Promotion and Classification of Higher Education Institutions on a scientific visit to the University of the Valley 

On Wednesday, March 1, 2023, Martyr Hama Lakhdar University received Mr. Harik Hakim, Chairman of the National Committee for the Visible Promotion and Classification of Higher Education Institutions, accompanied by a member of the committee.
Patriotism, Mr. Mohamed Radwan Kafi.
This visit came within the framework of the program of field visits organized by the National Committee in order to accompany the local committee for the visible promotion and classification of the University of the Valley, as well as the various subcommittees of the colleges, and to see closely the involvement of the University of the Valley in the international classifications of QS and THE.
A session was held at 09:00 in the discussion hall of the Faculty of Economic, Commercial and Management Sciences, chaired by Professor Dr. Boubacar Mansour, Deputy Rector for Training in the Third Phase, commissioned by the University Rector, Professor Dr. Farhati Omar, and attended by Professor Dr. Bashir Manai, Deputy Rector for Training in the First and Second Phase. And the deans of the colleges and their deputies for post-graduation, the director of the Entrepreneurship House, the sub-director of activities at the university, and members of the local committee and subcommittees for the visible promotion and classification of the University of the Valley.
In his important intervention on the role of the National Committee and the various international classifications in which higher education institutions intend to participate, Mr. Harik Hakim, Chairman of the National Committee, pointed out how to improve the visibility of the university and improve its classification at the international level, and the great work that the committee must do in accompanying the university entities to reach The desired objectives. At the conclusion of the session, the floor was opened for the attendees to discuss and raise their questions and concerns, after which the Chairman of the National Committee took the floor to answer various questions. Then the session was concluded with the hope of re-establishing communication again on issues related to the functions of the National Committee.
Mr. Harik Hakim, Sub-Director of Media and Scientific and Technical Indicators at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, also held a meeting at 14:00 pm on the same day in the discussion hall of the Faculty of Economic, Commercial and Management Sciences, which included the heads of the scientific journals of the University of the Valley. The meeting was chaired by Professor Dr. Boubacar Mansour, Deputy Director in charge of training in the third stage, in his capacity as Chairman of the University’s Publications Council, and was attended by all heads of publication of scientific journals.
In his speech, Mr. Harik Hakim focused on the global classifications of scientific journals in international databases, especially the SCOPUS and ERIH PLUS databases. He pointed out the various standards and conditions under which international databases operate, how to improve the classification of scientific journals, and what procedures must be taken in order to be ranked in the databases. data. At the end of the meeting, the floor was opened to present the editors-in-chief's concerns and inquiries, which were answered by Mr. Harik Hakim.


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