Launching the process of training and pedagogical accompaniment for newly employed professors at the University of El Oued

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Launching the process of training and pedagogical accompaniment for newly employed professors at the University of El Oued
Today, Saturday, September 09, 2023, at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, the training and pedagogical support process for newly hired professors began in the large lecture hall of Abu Al-Qasim Saadallah, under the supervision of the university director, Professor Omar Farhati, and in the presence of his deputies for scientific research and training, Professor Boubaker Mansour, and for pedagogy, Professor Bashir Manai, and the dean of the Faculty of Exact Sciences, Professor Abdelwahab Mansour, and the head of the quality cell, Professor Fares Saadi, and a group of training professors and all the trained professors, totaling 217 professors, in addition to the professors of the Higher School of Saharan Agriculture, totaling 17 professors. 
The meeting was opened by the Vice-Rector for Scientific Research with an opening speech in which he presented the two-week training program as a first stage in an intensive training that includes many important criteria related to the newly hired professor-researcher in order to begin his pedagogical and research work. The Vice-Rector for Pedagogy also came forward to announce the start of the training process in the name of the University President.
Professor Bilal Boutrara, Head of the Department of Social Sciences, gave the opening lecture entitled “Policy and Objectives of University Education”, through which he aimed to explain the basic law of the research professor and the role of the professor in understanding his pedagogical and scientific tasks, as well as the moral and national responsibility of the professor and meeting the aspirations and cognitive needs of students and helping them acquire scientific skills. In the second lecture, Professor Houidi Abdel Basset, Vice President of the University’s Professional Ethics Committee, addressed the ethical foundations of the university professor profession, in which he explained the importance of the foundations that the professor must adhere to in the pedagogical and research fields. In the evening, Professor Nabil Mezouar, a member of the Professional Ethics Committee, gave a lecture entitled “Professional Ethics, Etiquette and Rules”, in which he addressed the rights and obligations of the university professor amidst the interaction of the trainee professors, which was concluded with an extensive discussion and the committee members’ answers to the questions raised.
The Rector of the University and his Deputy for Scientific Research attached the utmost importance to the process of training and pedagogical accompaniment for newly employed professors in accordance with the instructions of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Professor Kamal Badari, and the outcomes of the national and regional symposium in developing and effectiveness of the university institution and its positive training returns across all its scopes and economic, technological, social and cultural surroundings.



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