First place for the University of Oum El Bouaghi in the stage animation competition at the University of El Oued

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First place for the University of Oum El Bouaghi in the stage animation competition at the University of El Oued
Student Karmani Nour El Houda, representing the University of Oum El Bouaghi, won first place in the national stage animation competition organized today, December 6, 2023, by the Sub-Directorate of Scientific, Cultural and Sports Activities at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar. Student Hami Khadija, representing the Directorate of University Services in El Oued, won second place, while student Osama Midouna won third place, representing the Directorate of University Services in M'Sila Qotb.
In the presence of the Secretary General of the State of El Oued, the Secretary General of the University, the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Languages, the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, the Sub-Director of Activities, the executives of the University Services Directorate in El Oued, the members of the arbitration committee, guests of honor from the State of Tunisia, and students.
10 candidates selected from a total of 402 participants representing 49 national university institutions participated in this national competition in its fifth edition, which was held in the Abu Al-Qasim Saadallah Grand Lecture Hall.
The competition aims to discover student talents in the art of activation and employ them in various activities, in addition to consolidating the national memory among students.
The event was opened by the Secretary General of the University, Dr. Shawqi Madallal, on behalf of the University Director, welcoming the attendees and pointing out the importance of the event adopted by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and its role in creating dynamism and cooperation at the level of the nation’s universities, exploiting these talents, accompanying them, developing their talents and investing them in the future in various activation fields. He also pointed out the distinction of this edition from its predecessors by introducing an international character, with the presence of the Tunisian delegation representing the University of Kairouan, wishing success for this edition and all participants.
Dr. Farag Abdel Hamid, the competition supervisor, gave a welcoming speech to the attendees and all participants in the competition from various university institutions, wishing success and distinction for this event. Dr. Fatima Al-Zahraa Qaita, head of the judging committee, also spoke, welcoming everyone and congratulating all the winners of the competition. Dr. Karima Abbad, in her capacity as a journalist and media professional and a member of the judging committee, expressed her happiness to be part of the event committee, thanking the university family for the reception and wishing success to all participants.
The jury consisted of the head of the committee, Dr. Qaita Fatima Zahra, and the members, Dr. Karima Abbad, a journalist and media professional at the University of Algiers 2, Dr. Mohamed Malik at the University of Oum El Bouaghi, Dr. Salihi Dalila, a professor at the University of El Oued, and Professor Anwar Al-Ayeb.
The competition committee also adopted several precise criteria on a scoring scale, including vocal performance, appearance, dress, charisma, improvisation, and good preparation, before announcing the aforementioned results for the three winners.
The ceremony also included songs, a poem about Palestine, voice comments, etc. At the end, the winners were honored by the university and the members of the jury. The university president, the university secretary general, and the sub-director of activities were also honored by the director of international cooperation at the University of Kairouan.









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