Training course on the digital platform for acquittal at the Central Library of the University of El Oued

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Training course on the digital platform for acquittal at the Central Library of the University of El Oued
In implementation of the program of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the recommendations of the University President, Professor Omar Farhati, to provide the best digital services to the student, the University President, accompanied by the Deputy Directors, opened today, May 30, 2023, the training session on creating a special platform for acquittal, under the supervision of the Director of the Central Library, Ms. Jabou Adila, in the discussion hall of the library, in the presence of the Central Library employees and all employees of the college libraries.
In his speech, the University President appreciated the efforts made by the Director and all employees in the movement of the digital repository system DSPACE and the field of book counting, calling for more efforts to improve and develop digital services at the center and colleges and for follow-up and discipline for all employees to bring the university to the most classifications in all fields. He also thanked the trainees for their excellence and work as one team, which is the secret of the excellence and success of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar. He also wished everyone success and benefit from the training course on the digital platform for acquittal, which aims to benefit our students and facilitate the procedures for the digital platform for acquittal, which aims to benefit our students and facilitate the procedures
The course was supervised by Engineer Dr. Qara Mustafa, who provided detailed explanations of how to work on it to enable the student to obtain the special acquittal with great ease. The trainees also interacted with the technical procedures of the platform and how it works.





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