The Ministerial Committee for Monitoring the Teaching of Horizontal Subjects Praises the Excellence of Al Wadi University

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The Ministerial Committee for Monitoring the Teaching of Horizontal Subjects Praises the Excellence of Al Wadi University

Today, April 30, 2023, the Vice-Director of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, Professor Bashir Manai, and the National Ministerial Committee in charge of evaluating the distance learning process in horizontal subjects via teleconferencing technology, supervised in the meeting hall of the central administration.
In the presence of the Chairman of the Committee for the Formation and Follow-up of Distance Education in Horizontal Subjects, the Vice-Deans in charge of Pedagogy, the Coordinators of the Colleges and Follow-up Units, the Official of the Moodle Platform, in addition to the Professors participating in the Intensive Courses and their Follow-up.
The Vice-Rector of the University for Pedagogy gave an extensive presentation on the progress of the teaching process, its follow-up and what has been achieved in its field, so that the Ministerial Committee would raise a set of questions in its scientific and research aspects in the same specialization, so that all the Committee’s questions would be answered by the gentlemen participating in the meeting. Through what was presented and what the Ministerial Committee reached in its continuous evaluation, it praised the excellence of the University of El Oued, which is working seriously and through the recommendations of the University Director, Professor Omar Farhati, to ensure the smooth running of the distance learning process in horizontal subjects, which adopted the standards achieved through:
– Adopting distance education: the teaching scenario
– Distance learning process: compilation of lessons presented in English, organizational scenario, videos
- Organization and follow-up: components and work of follow-up units, and motivating members.
- Quality of education: structuring lessons on the platform, the possibility of tracking, and valuing efforts.
At the end of the meeting, the Ministerial Committee for Monitoring the Distance Learning of Horizontal Subjects presented that what the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar has achieved is a distinguished and excellent work with a percentage of 81.82%. As an evaluation scope for the University Monitoring Committee of the University of El Oued.


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