Final preparations for the doctoral competition at Al Wadi University

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Final preparations for the doctoral competition at Al Wadi University 
Today, February 2, 2023, Professor Boubaker Mansour, Vice-Director of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, in charge of training in the third phase and scientific research, supervised all the final preparations for the doctoral competition in the Faculties of Arts, Languages, Law, Political Sciences, and the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, which will be held at the University of El Oued on Saturday, February 4, 2023, in its first phase. As for the second phase of the doctoral competition, it will include the rest of the departments and specializations on February 11.
The total number of candidates for the doctoral competition at El Oued University this year was 8,477 candidates distributed across 12 departments and 23 specializations, while the number of proposed positions was 72 positions.  
The number of candidates for the competition in the Faculty of Arts and Languages is estimated at 749 candidates for the English Language Department in 3 specializations, and in the Faculty of Law and Political Science 2182 candidates in 3 specializations distributed as follows: 580 candidates for Business Law, 1106 candidates for Administrative Law, and 496 candidates for Real Estate Law.
As for the College of Social and Human Sciences, the number of candidates reached 1194 candidates, distributed between the specialization of philosophy with 386 candidates and the specialization of media and communication sciences with 808 candidates in 3 specializations:
Audiovisual specialization with 255 candidates, print and electronic journalism specialization with 149 candidates, and mass communication and new media specialization with 404 candidates.
The Vice-President of the University for Scientific Research and Postgraduate Studies confirmed during his tour and after reviewing all the final preparations for the competition that the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar is fully prepared to receive the candidate students and hold the competition in excellent conditions that help the candidate to provide the best.
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