Final preparations for the first edition of the National University Competition for Future Lawyers at Al Wadi University

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Final preparations for the first edition of the National University Competition for Future Lawyers at Al Wadi University

Today, December 18, 2022, Mr. Secretary General of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar Mudallal Chawki supervised the meeting dedicated to the final preparations for the National University Competition for Future Lawyers scheduled for December 20/21, 2022, under the direction of Mr. University Director, Professor Omar Farhati.
The meeting was attended by members of the organizing committee and supervisors of the event.
The Secretary-General opened the discussion to present all the preparations for the competition.
During the meeting, the programming process was set, from receiving guests and ensuring their comfort. They will also have a tourist trip to the Golden Gazelle, as well as training (trial run) to be the opening. Tasks were also distributed to the various members of the organizing committee.
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