Cosmos Prize – Osaka 2025 Announcement

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Cosmos Prize – Osaka 2025 Announcement

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, in cooperation with the Bureau International des Expositions, invites researchers, institutions and non-governmental organizations to participate in the “Cosmos” Award, which will be held as part of the activities of Expo Osaka Kansai 2025 in Japan. This award targets non-profit projects that contribute to achieving the general slogan of Expo 2025: “Ensuring the sustainability of life”, and revolves around the following sub-themes:

  1. Innovation to improve the lives of communities

  2. Enhancing life through communication

  3. Improving lives to ensure sustainability

Prize value: 20,000 euros.

Eligibility requirements:

  • Participation is open to individuals, institutions, and non-governmental organizations.

  • The application form must be completed in English or French.

  • The deadline for submitting nominations is October 25, 2024.

  • Each university must nominate two to three projects by the regional university conferences.

Submitting the application files: Please submit the application files to the University Vice-Deanship for External Relations, by submitting the file electronically and in paper form.

Required attachments:

  • Nomination form

  • Project description in detail

  • Information about participants

Previous information about the award:

  • In 2015, the NGO Cesal won the project “A healthy diet and a sustainable future for the children of Haiti”.

  • In 2017, the National University of Lesotho received the award for its low-cost solar panel design and construction initiative.

  • In 2020, Namibia’s Naan/Ashko Cie Foundation won the award for its Rapid Response Unit conservation project.

We look forward to your participation and creativity.

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