A training course on monitoring the management of the digital platform (progres) at the University of El Oued 

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A training course on monitoring the management of the digital platform (progres) at the University of El Oued 
Today, September 21, 2022, the Deputy Rector of the University of Chahid Hama Lakhdar, in charge of pedagogy, Professor Bachir Mannai, on behalf of the Rector of the University, Professor Omar Farhati, and with the company of Professor Boubacar Mansour, the Deputy Rector in charge of Scientific Research, and the Secretary General of the University, Chawki Mudallal, supervised the work of the training course on following up on the management of the digital platform. The session brought together the heads of education departments at the level of all colleges, as well as the engineers and technicians charged with following up on the digital platform “progress” under the guidance of the University Rector, within the framework of the sector’s digitization policy. 
This training course, whose practical course is supervised by Mr. Shawqi Mudallal, the University’s Secretary General, falls within the framework of monitoring and managing the digital platform (Progress) at the level of every college and institute, as it will facilitate the student’s pedagogical activity and benefit from it in his academic path.
 On this behalf, Mr. Secretary-General referred to some points through which he emphasized the importance of daily follow-up when programming any work or activity regarding the platform. He also stressed the necessity of activating the process of this digital platform on a daily basis, and addressing the problems and shortcomings that hinder its functioning. He explained that the Education Department is one department that is primarily responsible for this activity, and that Engineer Maaloul Kamal is supervising this presentation of the training process.
It was also emphasized that great attention will be given to this formative process, which will include a subsequent meeting scheduled to be held on October 3, 2022.
For his part, Professor Dr. Bashir Manai, Deputy Rector of the University in charge of higher training in the first and second stages and continuing training, touched on the necessity of converting traditional methods to the digital platform according to the progress system, and emphasizing that pedagogical processes will be according to this system, in addition to emphasizing the need to settle students’ situations. As Professor Boubacar Mansour, Vice Chancellor of the University in charge of Scientific Research, confirmed that the University is making tremendous efforts to make it mandatory to use the digital process according to the Progress system, given that it brings positivity and speed.
Finally, Professor Dr. Bashir Manai announced the launch of this training course.

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