On the sixtieth anniversary of Independence and Youth Day, the Wali of El Oued honors the university family of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar 

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On the sixtieth anniversary of Independence and Youth Day, the Wali of El Oued honors the university family of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar 
On the occasion of the celebrations commemorating the sixtieth anniversary of Independence and Youth Day, on July 5, 2022, the Wali of El Oued, Mr. Mohamed El Amin El Amoudi, presented a tribute to the Director of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, Professor Dr. Omar Farhati, at the Cultural Center, in recognition of the successes and national excellence achieved by the university and the university family in scientific research and higher education. A number of professors and researchers who obtained the first places in the National Scientific Week at Ferhat Abbas University Setif 1 were also honored. Among them were professors and researchers Dr. Omar bin Al-Khattab Mokrani, who was represented by the University's Media and Communication Officer, Dr. Raqiq Abdullah, Dr. Attia Abdel Malik, Dr. Farhat Mohamed Fouad, and Dr. Mohamed El Tayeb Oussif Khaled.
 The distinguished student participating in the Scientific Week in Setif 1, Qaid Nadhir, and the two students, Banin Duaa and Ben Sassi Asmaa, were honored.
With a valuable historical intervention about the role of the communications apparatus and its successes in supporting the strength of our glorious revolution, delivered by Dr. Abdelkader Azzam Awadi on the occasion, he was honored by the state director of wired and wireless communications.
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