The director of the research unit developing renewable energies at the University of the Valley holds a meeting with members of its council and heads of its research teams

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The director of the research unit developing renewable energies at the University of the Valley holds a meeting with members of its council and heads of its research teams

This evening, Wednesday, January 17, 2024, the Council of the Research Unit for the Development of Renewable Energy in Arid Areas, affiliated with the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, held a meeting regarding the distribution of financial appropriations for the operating budget for the year 2024.
The meeting was chaired by Dr. Muhammad Al-Tayeb Wasif Khaled, Director of the Research Unit, in the presence of the research professors, members of the Unit Council, and heads of the various research teams affiliated with the Research Unit.
The unit director gave a presentation on the relevant financial appropriations and the new budget code. The unit council members and heads of research teams discussed ways to activate work within the unit and set the work program for the current year 2024. The director also stressed the need to implement the instructions related to extending the working hours of research laboratories until ten o'clock at night and submitting periodic reports on all scheduled activities.
The session witnessed interaction, enrichment and exchange of views. During the meeting, the agenda was approved and the session was adjourned at around 21:00.






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