A meeting of the Directorate of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar - El Oued-

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A meeting of the Directorate of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar - El Oued-
Today, May 29, 2023, the Rector of the University of the Valley, Professor Omar Farhati, supervised a coordination meeting in the meeting room of the central administration in the presence of all of his deputies, deans of colleges, and general secretaries of the colleges. The Rector of the University opened the meeting, where he referred to several points and an agenda to study the evaluation of the conduct of academic examinations. He also indicated to study all The extracted notes of the Ministerial Committee for the Inventory that was held at the university, the sessions on national reforms of the higher education sector and its modernization, training sessions, and the end-of-year ceremony. He gave the floor to the Vice President of the University for Pedagogy, Professor Bashir Manai, where he gave a detailed presentation on everything related to the pedagogical aspect, evaluating the progress of lessons and exams, handing out certificates, and others.
He also indicated the programming of a formative meeting with the engineers related to conducting digital deliberations, and gave the floor to the incubator director, Dr. Fouad Farhat, to give a comprehensive summary of the procedures for discussing the project memorandums of an emerging institution by receiving the memorandums while preparing the calendar for emerging institutions, in coordination with the colleges and the incubator director, and closely following up on all matters. The Secretary-General of the University, Mr. Shawqi Mudallal, also presented a discussion about modernizing the inventory process and pointed to the formation of a special committee for the inventory, and the obligation to follow up on its file in coordination with the University’s Directorate of Development and Foresight, calling for the formation of training courses for the inventory. The Vice Chancellor of the University in charge of External Relations, Professor Qidda Al-Habib, addressed the national sessions on reforms and modernization of the higher education sector, where the relevant committees were identified in all colleges and workshop coordinators were appointed. The University Chancellor opened the floor for discussion to the attendees and raised all concerns and addressed the problems.




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