The Director of the University of El Oued inspects the headquarters of the Media and Journalism Center

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The Director of the University of El Oued inspects the headquarters of the Media and Journalism Center

Today, January 11, 2024, the Rector of the University, Professor Omar Farhati, inspected the headquarters of the Media and Press Center, accompanied by the Secretary-General of the University, the Sub-Director of Media and Equipment, and representatives of the Media and Communication Cell.
The visit of the university director aimed to determine the reality of preparing this new media facility and its needs for the necessary equipment for its activity in line with the university’s media strategy in highlighting the remarkable scientific and innovative achievements achieved by the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, new facilities and structures, and its many cultural, sporting and scientific activities and all worthy active energies. Through media coverage and publication among the university community, as well as local and national public opinion. The Media and Press Center is expected to be inaugurated as soon as the preparation work is completed.
The Media and Press Center has two departments: The Audiovisual Media Department: It is supervised by Dr. Abdullah Raqiq and is responsible for publishing university news on the social media network and the university’s website and preparing audiovisual reports and reports on the university’s various activities.
The Department of Press and Publishing, supervised by Dr. Khalifa Qaid is responsible for preparing the university’s media newsletter and website, as well as preparing press reports in Arabic and foreign languages about the university’s activities for the benefit of the written and electronic media.
The Center for Media and Journalism at the University of the Valley is also considered a link between the university and various national media outlets, whether in terms of activating seminars and classes with the media or in terms of inviting the latter to cover various university activities, in addition to the center hosting scientific, creative and innovative events and preparing and recording audio-visual sessions on University activities.






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