Platform for paying registration, accommodation and transportation fees for old university students

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Platform for paying registration, accommodation and transportation fees for old university students

Old students should be aware that the process of re-registration, accommodation and transportation for the 2024/2025 academic year will start exclusively online by accessing the Progress platform (progres paiement inscription transport hubergement) using the golden card, and the process is carried out “according to a message from the Ministry of Higher Education” starting from the day July 16 You can also use the gold card for any of your relatives or acquaintances, and it does not have to be in your name. 


How to register and pay fees: 

  • Access the link below
  • Enter the baccalaureate year
  • Enter the baccalaureate registration number                
  • Press the confirmation indicator
  • Click on validate the information


Payment of re-registration fees 2024

The process of paying re-registration fees for old students is done through the Progress platform, using the golden card, and all you need is the registration number, without going to the university.

Regarding the registration fee, it is estimated at: 200 DZD.

Payment of accommodation fees (accommodation) 2024 progress payment Accommodation
The process of paying housing fees (university accommodation) for old students is done through the Progress platform, using the golden card, and all you need is the registration number, without going to the university.

Regarding the amount of accommodation rights, it is estimated at: 400 DZD.


Transport payment 2024 progress payment Transport

The process of paying transportation fees for old students is done through the Progress platform, using the golden card, and all you need is the registration number, without going to the university.

Regarding the amount of transportation fees, it is estimated at: 150 DZD.

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