The role of customs in economic recovery is the subject of a study day for customs and the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the University of the Valley

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The role of customs in economic recovery is the subject of a study day for customs and the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the University of the Valley 
On February 7, 2023, the Faculty of Economics, Business and Management Sciences of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, in coordination with the Inspectorate of Customs Departments of the Wilaya of El Oued, organized a study day at the faculty headquarters on the culture of knowledge exchange and strengthening the customs profession under the slogan “Nurturing the new generation by promoting the culture of knowledge exchange and strengthening pride in the customs profession” on the occasion of the International Customs Day, which falls on January 26.
The meeting was attended by the Dean of the College, Hisham Labza, the Secretary-General of the College, Ali Naaroura, members of the Customs Corps of various ranks, and a significant number of students from the College.
On this occasion, Professor Nourredine Jouadi presented a speech entitled “The role of digital transformation in enhancing the impact of economic intelligence as a tool in serving national development”, while Inspector Brigadier Mohamed Youssef Boudbia presented a speech on the role of customs in economic recovery, while Dr. Asmaa Adayka animated the two speeches and organized the discussion and raised questions and answers between the lecturers, customs personnel and students. On this occasion, the Customs Inspectorate honored Professor Nourredine Jouadi for his efficient participation in the study day.
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