Announcement: Candidatures for the Bourse d'Études in Russia – Année Universitaire 2025-2026

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Announcement: Candidatures for the Bourse d'Études in Russia – Année Universitaire 2025-2026

From the staff of the International Cooperation University, the Ministry of Supervision and the Scientific Research informs the academics of the university’s candidatures for Russian bourses for the year 2025-2026. This has a number of students and teachers who are now Masters who are willing to provide doctoral studies in Russia.

 Disciplines concerned:

Artificial Intelligence*

Applied Mathematics*


Autonomous Systems*


:Documents required : The studios are interested in receiving the documents they have submitted.

Bachelor's degree copy*

Relevés of notes from license (L1, L2, L3) and Master (M1)*

Copy of the licence diploma (non-required for high school students)*

Class certification : After 4 years of study, the general public and confirm that the candidacy has been released in 10 % SA promotion premiers*

Attestation of “5 toilets” : Candidates submitted by the Vice-Rector of Relations Extérieures to obtain this test*

Submission modalities : All components due to different formatted paper and number at the time of post-graduation. The date limit for the date is fixed au*

Tuesday, November 4, 2024

Additional Information : This tablissement is invited to propose a candidacy title and a supplement with discipline, which is recognizable to other critics.

More ample information is available on the official website of the ambassador

We also have access to all of our candidacies in these available studios and development personnel.


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