Wadi University holds its scientific council

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Wadi University holds its scientific council

On 05/10/2022, Mr. Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar-El Oued, Professor Dr. Omar Farhati, chaired the meeting of the University's Scientific Council in the presence of the Vice-Directors, Deans of the University's Faculties, the Dean of the Institute of Islamic Sciences, and members of the Scientific Council.
The Scientific Council discussed many points, as Professor Dr. Boubaker Mansour, Vice-Rector of the University in charge of Scientific Research and Post-Graduation, began by giving a detailed presentation on the doctoral competition for the academic year. 2022/2021  In all its stages, starting with student registrations, which reached 18,072 candidates distributed across 35 departments and 85 specializations, while the number of proposed positions reached 259 positions, reaching the total participation rates across all eight colleges and the Institute of Islamic Sciences, which were around 30 percent, to present in his report all the details of the progress and stages of the doctoral exams, which passed in very good conditions.
The Scientific Council then listened to the presentation and report of the Performance Evaluation Committee between the colleges during the process of conducting the doctoral exams and its stages, from the pre-preparations to monitoring everything related to the process, from following up on the question setting to the students’ instructions to the correction process and all the logistical aspects to announcing the results. The esteemed committee’s report dealt with all matters with great precision. At the end of the report, the committee praised the good performance of the colleges, which were arranged according to those specific criteria and follow-up.
In a third point, the Scientific Council listened to a detailed presentation by Professor Dr. Al-Qaddah Al-Habib, Vice-Rector of the University in charge of external relations, on the program to improve the level abroad, where he presented various statistics for the program to improve the level in its two parts, short-term and residential training. The Council also listened to what was presented in the report on the new ministerial project for the national movement of internships within the country, which will be issued by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
The report also presented everything new about the various European training programmes, especially the Erasmus programme.
Then, the university director, Professor Omar Farhati, came forward to explain the importance of the new ministerial project for the national movement of internships and its scientific and national objectives.
Then, the Scientific Council listened to a presentation given by Professor Dr. Zaabi Ammar, in his capacity as the official of the Scientific Publication Council at the University, on unifying the name of the University in all scientific publication operations for members of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar - El Oued.
Finally, the Scientific Council discussed many miscellaneous issues that were discussed by the Scientific Council and its esteemed members.

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