A coordination meeting with the Vice President of the University for Scientific Research with the heads of laboratories and general secretaries of the colleges

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A coordination meeting with the Vice President of the University for Scientific Research with the heads of laboratories and general secretaries of the colleges
Today, Wednesday, September 6, 2023, Mr. Vice-Rector of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar for Scientific Research and Training, Professor Boubaker Mansour, held a coordination meeting with the heads of research laboratories and the secretaries-general of the faculties at the University of El Oued. Following the recommendations of the University Director and the correspondence of the General Directorate of Scientific Research and Technological Development, the meeting discussed the preparations for the 2024 budget. The heads of the laboratories presented the financial results for the year 2023 with all its research and scientific aspects. Mr. Vice-Rector of the University for Scientific Research and Training also presented important research directives on the relationship between doctoral students and laboratories and the development of the cognitive and research field and technological techniques and their various uses in the field of training and accompanying doctoral students.
Many concerns and interests of the laboratory directors were also discussed in the field of joint scientific and research cooperation with the aim of promoting the university’s visibility at the international level.



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