A scientific symposium held by the Entrepreneurship House at the University of the Valley for students of the Department of Automated Media and Informatics

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 A scientific symposium held by the Entrepreneurship House at the University of the Valley for students of the Department of Automated Media and Informatics

The Entrepreneurship House at the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar-El Oued- held a media day and a scientific symposium in the “Mediatech” lecture hall on Wednesday evening, in coordination with the Laboratory for Economic Growth and Development in Arab Countries and the National Agency for the Support and Development of Entrepreneurship, under the title of Accompanying University Students in Supporting and Financing Innovative Projects. The symposium was held in cooperation with the Department of Computer Science at the Faculty of Exact Sciences at the University of El Oued. 
This symposium was dedicated to the graduate students of the Information Technology major and was attended by the Dean of the College, Professor Dr. Abdul Wahab Mansour, in addition to professors and students of the Department of Information Technology.
Professor Khalifa Abdul Nasser, the seminar director, opened the activity by welcoming the attendees and emphasizing the importance of the topic under study, motivating the students to enrich the topic with questions and discussion.
Professor Mohamed El Saleh Chebl, a member of the Anad El Oued Agency, addressed the mechanisms for supporting innovative projects at the National Agency for the Support and Development of Entrepreneurship, as well as the privileges provided to innovative student projects, especially after the unemployment condition was dropped, as well as the reduced personal contribution rate for university students. The lecture was met with extensive discussion by the idea holders.
In the second lecture, Professor Hakim Zaidi addressed the classifications of economic institutions, as well as the legal and legislative framework for small and medium enterprises, and the difference between very small, small and medium enterprises according to the legislation, especially Law 17-02.
In the third lecture, the Director of the Entrepreneurship House, Professor Dr. Mufid Abdel-Lawi, addressed the accompaniment of university students by the Entrepreneurship House in establishing their innovative projects, especially at the present time when the university student can establish his company while still studying, which is one of the new privileges, and also the necessity of enrolling in the training provided by the Entrepreneurship House in order to obtain additional experiences and certificates supporting the training path.
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