Ministerial evaluation committees visit the University of El Oued’s presentations during the National Scientific Week organized by Setif University 1

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Ministerial evaluation committees visit the University of El Oued’s presentations during the National Scientific Week organized by Setif University 1

Today, Tuesday, May 17, the specialized evaluation committees formed by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for the purpose of evaluating the various presentations of the universities participating in the National Scientific Week currently organized at Ferhat Abbas University - Setif 1 - visited the four presentations of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar - El Oued - which participated in the fields of energy security, food security, citizen health, as well as presentations of student clubs.
The committee listened carefully to the explanations provided by the owners of the various projects.
They also provided the necessary clarifications regarding the feasibility of the projects, their financing mechanisms, the role of the various partners in their implementation, as well as the many economic, financial and social impacts that could result from their practical implementation.
The various committees came out with a very good impression of the efforts made by the University of Wadi, its administration and professors, in presenting the best realistic ideas that can contribute to the development of the national economy.
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