Signing of a twinning agreement between Al Wadi University and the Pedagogical University of Tatarstan, Russia

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Signing of a twinning agreement between Al Wadi University and the Pedagogical University of Tatarstan, Russia 

Today, February 27, 2023, the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar-El Oued signed a twinning agreement with the Pedagogical University of Napier-Jenni-Chili in the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation. The agreement was signed on behalf of the University of El Oued by its director, Professor Omar Farhati, and on behalf of the Tatar-Russian University by its director, Professor Galiyak Perova Elvinor, who was accompanied by Professor Sharafov Oleg.
The signing ceremony, which took place in the central meeting hall, was attended by the university’s vice-rectors for external relations, pedagogy, development and foresight, the director of the Higher School of Saharan Agriculture, the deans of the faculties and their deputies in charge of studies, and the university’s secretary-general.
During the meeting, Al Wadi University presented the guest delegation with a video presentation about the university, its colleges, various pedagogical and scientific facilities, the number of its students, and the diversity of its specializations. The Russian delegation also presented a similar presentation about the educational university in its country. The two university directors exchanged views on ways of joint cooperation between them, and student and scientific exchanges between the two parties.
This agreement concluded between the two parties will allow for student exchanges and scientific missions. The Russian delegation also expressed the possibility of opening a branch of the Russian Center for Russian Culture and Language at the Intensive Language Education Center. On this occasion, the Russian delegation inspected the various laboratories of the Faculty of Nature and Life, where it expressed its admiration for the remarkable development achieved by the University of Oued in several fields. The Director of the Tatar University will also give a lecture tomorrow, Tuesday, at the Faculty of Economics, Commerce and Management Sciences, in addition to organizing a tour in honor of the guest delegation in the city of a thousand domes and several areas of the Oued Souf region.
The Russian Tatar Pedagogical University has 7 faculties and an institute of additional vocational education, where more than 5 thousand students study, 7% of whom are foreigners. The university’s pedagogical program includes 70 educational programs, more than 300 additional educational programs, 2 innovation spaces, 3 regional innovation platforms, 22 research and development groups. The university is linked by international university cooperation agreements with 13 countries of the world.
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