A training workshop for the benefit of students nominated for the local qualifiers for the National University Competition to stimulate racing

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A training workshop for the benefit of students nominated for the local qualifiers for the National University Competition to stimulate racing       

Within the framework of the ongoing preparations for the National University Cycling Competition and in an effort to enhance the skills of students interested in the field of cycling and prepare them for the local qualifiers, it was organized this morning, Tuesday, corresponding to: 31 January 2023 In the small lecture hall, media personality Eid Bissi, a training workshop for the benefit of students participating in the running competition..

The Sub-Director of Activities, Mr. Bashir Zidan, in his opening speech, stressed that the course aims to develop the students’ knowledge and provide them with new skills in the field of activism. In his speech, he stressed that preparations are underway in full swing for the success of the fourth edition of the National University Competition for Activities on the Run..

The course is headed by the judging committee for the local qualifiers, which consists of an elite group of qualified professors specialized in several fields, headed by Dr.Fatima Al-Zahra QitaProfessor in the Department of Media and Communication, professor and journalist Al-Tahir Amara Al-Adgham Professor, doctor and poet Saad MirdifProfessor in the Department of Arabic Literature, and Professor Madani Hammadi “.

The supervising professors provided guidance and advice related to the skills and techniques of activation on the track..

Where the lottery was last conducted for: 37 Participating to come to the activation platform for the local qualifiers that will take place next Tuesday.

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