Al Wadi Judicial Council organizes a study day on “Raising awareness of the dangers of drugs and psychotropic substances” at Al Wadi University

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Al Wadi Judicial Council organizes a study day on “Raising awareness of the dangers of drugs and psychotropic substances” at Al Wadi University
Today, May 31, 2023, the El Oued Judicial Council organized, in the Abu Al-Qasim Saadallah Grand Lecture Hall at the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, a study day on raising awareness of the dangers of the scourge of drugs and psychotropic substances, in the presence of the governor of the state, the president of the state People's Assembly, the Attorney General of the El Oued Judicial Council, the university director, Professor Omar Farhati, the civil and military authorities of the state, the head of the El Oued district, the judiciary family, the revolutionary family, and university cadres, including vice-directors, deans, professors and students, the Islamic Scouts family and the media family.
The University President opened the event by welcoming the attendees by name and title, appreciating all the great efforts made and the movement led by the Judicial Council of El Oued, thanking the Governor and all the civil and military authorities, the revolutionary family, the scouting organization and the university family for their community effectiveness and their constant support of the university and our youth, and for their constant keenness to preserve our society and our beloved Algeria, and that these awareness campaigns by the Judicial Council, along with what the security and military authorities are doing to confront this scourge and the effectiveness of the university family in all its spectrums and civil society, stand as a solid barrier to protect our youth who are being subjected to a systematic campaign against them, the aim of which is to destroy the foundations of our dear homeland by the enemies of Algeria. From here, we must all stand in the face of those who want to lie in wait for our beloved Algeria, for which millions of our righteous martyrs have sacrificed, glory to them, wishing success for this study day through which the effective role of the judiciary family is proven once again, not only in applying the law but also in creating community awareness to combat this phenomenon and all scourges.
The governor of the state gave a speech in which he opened by thanking all those in charge of this study day and the judiciary family, thanking the university director for his constant hosting of these events due to their great importance. The governor addressed the seriousness of the scourge of drugs and psychotropic substances on society and the individual, and pointed out that all sectors are tasked with carrying out awareness campaigns that contribute to reducing this phenomenon to ensure the safety of the individual and society and to preserve our homeland Algeria, thanking all contributors to organizing this important event. The representative of the President of the Judicial Council in El Oued intervened, referring to the phenomenon and ways to address it, calling for the mandatory participation of civil society in combating this criminal phenomenon, which has become a source of concern for the entire society due to its negative effects on individuals and society and the damage it causes, wishing success for the demonstration.
The Attorney General referred to the scourge of drugs and psychotropic substances and their danger to society and the role of the judiciary in creating awareness and community participation to reduce this scourge, thanking everyone for their effectiveness in reducing the danger of these scourges.
The event also included several interventions:
The first intervention: It came under the title of the specificity of the crime of drugs and psychotropic substances, delivered by Mr. Al-Wafi Balwafi, First Assistant Attorney General at the Judicial Council of El Oued.
Second intervention: entitled “Drug and psychotropic substance crime and its impact on society”
By Dr. Shawqi Qaddoura
The third intervention: “The role of the scouting institution in protecting society from social ills, drugs and psychotropic substances” presented by Mr. Mounir Belkhair, the provincial governor of the Islamic Scouts in El Oued.
Fourth intervention: “The role of the addiction treatment center in caring for addiction victims” presented by Dr. Al-Aiss Kamal, a doctor at the addiction treatment center in El Oued.
Fifth intervention: “Classification of drug crimes in light of Law 23|05” by Mr. Boukhlout Al-Zain, investigating judge at the El Oued Court
Then, a dialogue, discussion and interventions were opened in the same context for the attendees, including professors, students, interested parties and members of civil society, thanking all those in charge of this important study day.






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