The Faculty of Social and Human Sciences honors the winners of the National Science Week competitions in Setif

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The Faculty of Social and Human Sciences honors the winners of the National Science Week competitions in Setif

The Faculty of Social and Human Sciences held a ceremony to honor the winners of the National Scientific Week at Setif 1 University, organized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research from May 15 to 19, 2022. In his speech while honoring the group of knights, the Dean of the Faculty, Amar Ghraissa, noted the results of their work that honored the university. He also praised the considerable efforts made by the University Director, Professor Omar Farhati, who in turn insisted on participating with the faculty staff in the ceremony honoring the winners. On this occasion, the faculty also honored the University Director, accompanied by his deputies, Professor Habib Qaddah, in charge of external relations, and Professor Boubaker Mansour, in charge of scientific research and training in the third phase, as well as those in charge of the university's media and communication cell, Dr. Abdullah Raqiq and Dr. Khalifa Qaid.
The presidency of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, represented by the University Director, honored these winners in the morning in a distinguished celebration held in the central meeting hall.
Honored Winners:
Mokrani Omar Ibn Al Khattab: First place nationally in the “Best Thesis in 180 Seconds” competition.
Attia Abdel Malek and Farhat Mohamed Fouad: First place nationally in energy security.
Farhat Mohamed Fouad.
Qaid Nazir: First place nationally for best science - Ibn Sina Club, Wadi University.
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