Al Wadi University hosts the national caravan “Shabab Fikra”

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Al Wadi University hosts the national caravan “Shabab Fikra”

Today, May 30, 2022, the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar - El Oued - hosted the work of the ninth edition of the national caravan "Shabab Fikra", which is supervised by the Algerian Youth Leaders Foundation in coordination with the local coordination of the caravan and the University of El Oued.
Amidst a large turnout of students, professors and those interested in the field of innovation and entrepreneurial creativity among young people and university students, the Wali of El Oued announced the opening of the caravan symposium, accompanied by local authorities. In his speech, the Wali stressed the role of young people in promoting the national economy by encouraging investment initiatives and encouraging entrepreneurial thinking among young people. On this occasion, the Wali of the state raised the importance of the new investment law, which, according to him, opens the field of investment widely to investors and the field of export and removes all obstacles.
For his part, the University Director, Professor Omar Farhati, stressed the importance of the youth segment, noting that the President of the Republic mentioned that he is the candidate of youth and civil society, and therefore it is not surprising to find - as he said - young ministers in the government who are not older than forty years, just as the youth were the first to revolutionize, appreciating the initiative of this national caravan and its national and local coordinator, and praising the presence of the governor of the state and the president of the state people's council. The Director also mentioned the university's openness to its economic and social environment through the caravan initiative, recalling the readiness of the House of Entrepreneurship and the university incubator to guide, train and accompany the projects of youth, students and researchers.
Prior to that, the local coordinator of the caravan, the young Abdelhak Nemli, praised the support of the governor of the state and the university director for the success of the caravan activity in the state of El Oued. The coordinator of the Algerian Youth Leaders Foundation, Mr. Abdelrahman Ben Yahya, also stressed that the caravan activity highlights the program of the President of the Republic, which serves youth and the national economy by transforming youth ideas into successful investment projects. The head of the caravan, Mr. Anis Ben Tayeb, also stated that the goal of the caravan is to help youth with thought and action, expressing the pride of the caravan foundation in the achievements of youth and students in all national and international forums, stressing that the caravan provides a creative climate and helps implement youth ideas within the framework of entrepreneurship, as well as combating bureaucracy that hinders youth projects.
The caravan symposium continued with a series of presentations on the topic, including “Research and Development: The Key to the Success of Startups” by the Director of the University’s Entrepreneurship House, Professor Mufid Abdellaoui, and “How to Establish Your Startup” by Ms. Najat Ghalmi, Digitalization Expert and General Manager of Diyar Dzair for E-Commerce and Innovation. Professor Abdeljabbar Qasmi (Businessman) also presented a presentation entitled “Recycling and the Circular Economy” in addition to organizing a symposium on the topic of the successful entrepreneur, moderated by Anis Ben Tayeb, owner of MPI, and Mr. Fathi Qasmi, Director of Entrepreneurship at the Algerian Youth Leaders Foundation, in addition to presenting entrepreneurial success stories of a number of students who established investment companies, including Mohamed Sassi Belnour, Boubaker Abdelrahman, Othmani Abdelhalim, and Fatia Zoubiri. The presentations witnessed extensive discussions by the students present.
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