The launch of the public discussions ceremony for master’s notes in the zero-paper system at the University of the Valley

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The launch of the public discussions ceremony for master’s notes in the zero-paper system at the University of the Valley


This morning, Sunday, June 4, 2023, discussions of graduation theses for the second year of the Master's degree for the academic year 2022/2023 began at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, with a zero-paper system, under the supervision of the University President, Professor Omar Farhati, and his deputy for pedagogy, Professor Bashir Manaei, and the deans of the faculties. The public discussions continue in a scientific and research atmosphere, in which most of our professors participated to discuss the research works of more than 5,119 students according to the application of the electronic discussion, the zero-paper system, and to provide notes and guidance through which students can pass this stage by obtaining a master's degree and preparing them for higher research stages. The discussions continue at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar until June 15, 2023.
Today’s discussions also witnessed the interaction of the attendees, including colleagues and families, who expressed their joy at the success of their children, thanking the university family of Wadi University for what they have provided for the success of their children and their advancement in the field of scientific research and intellectual production.






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