The University of the Valley is strongly present at the National Scientific Week in Setif

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The University of the Valley is strongly present at the National Scientific Week in Setif

Under the slogan “We innovate, innovate and believe,” the activities of the Second National Scientific Week organized at the University of Setif 1 Farhat Abbas by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research were launched on Monday, May 16, 2022 and until the 19th, coinciding with and commemorating the 66th anniversary of National Student Day, May 19, and in memory of Sixty years of independence.

The University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, under the supervision of the University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, participates in this scientific demonstration with remarkable force in three scheduled axes: energy security, food security and citizen health, in addition to the science club exhibitions. The Secretary-General of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research gave the signal to open this scientific event in the presence of the Governor of Setif Province, the President of its People’s Assembly, the security and military authorities, university administrators, and large groups of professors, students, workers, and the public interested in the scientific and cultural activity of the university.

When opening this scientific demonstration, the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research mentioned in his speech that this year’s edition of the National Scientific Week includes many lectures on the topics of energy security, food security, and citizen health, exhibitions by university and research institutions and scientific clubs for the best innovations, and a competition for the best. A doctoral thesis is selected by the scientific committee in charge from among 9 competitors for the competition for which 117 candidates applied, and the winners among them will be announced at the closing ceremony scheduled for Saturday, May 21, 2022. Also new to the year is organizing a competition for ranking higher education institutions to choose the best university institution, and the best University residency. Scientific figures will also be honored with medals of merit for their efforts in serving university scientific research.

The Secretary-General of the Ministry, accompanied by the official delegation, also toured the various exhibition pavilions, where he expressed his admiration to the University Rector, his admiration for the qualitative presentations of the participation of the Oued University delegation, calling for the continuation of this valuable work.

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