Students of the Faculty of Law and Political Science at Al Wadi University on a scientific visit to the country's higher institutions
In implementation of the instructions of the Director of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar-El Oued - Professor Omar Farhati and the program outlined by the Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Professor Mekki Draji, directed to the students, especially with regard to the pedagogical aspect and strengthening the knowledge they receive
Every year, field visits are scheduled for them to institutions and bodies related to the students’ specializations in the college, whether law students or political science students.
In this regard, the college students went to Algiers to conduct a field visit to the National Assembly, the Constitutional Court, and the High Authority for Transparency, Prevention and Combating Corruption.
This outing began with a visit to the headquarters of the High Authority for Transparency, Prevention and Combating Corruption, where the students were officially received by members and executives of the Authority, and received many explanations about its establishment, structures and powers, and all their questions were answered.
The delegation then headed to the Constitutional Court, where it was officially received at a high level by the members of the Constitutional Court. At the beginning of the visit, the delegation was welcomed by the members of the Court with welcoming and encouraging words, followed by a speech by the delegation’s representative on behalf of the College family. The students then toured the Court’s facilities, starting with the courtroom, where the members of the Court took turns giving comprehensive explanations of the Court’s establishment, structure, powers, and the course of its sessions and work. The students then headed to the Court’s library, which is full of many important references. The students then moved to the Court’s historical exhibition and then to the main hall for meetings and deliberations.
The scientific trip concluded with a visit to one of the most important state institutions, namely the National Assembly, where the delegation was officially received by the Deputy Speaker of the Assembly and a significant number of honorable representatives, as well as the Secretary-General and the Council’s executives, especially since it is considered the first visit by a student delegation from the university to the National Assembly, where the students toured all its structures, especially the main hall for sessions as well as the offices and interests of the Council, accompanied by some executives who provided extensive explanations to the students, including the origin, structure and powers of the Council and the mechanisms of deliberations in the upper chamber of Parliament.
All visits concluded with the presentation of commemorative medals on behalf of the university and the college, commemorating the visit and remembering the university, its students and its staff.
The students expressed their great happiness with this visit, especially with the extent to which they benefited from it by linking their theoretical knowledge with practical aspects. The cadres of the concerned institutions also took, through this visit, a good image and impression of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, the Faculty of Law and Political Science, and all its university family.