University of El Oued receives the regional committee to evaluate the Study in Algeria label.

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University of El Oued receives the regional committee to evaluate the Study in Algeria label


Today, June 13, 2023, the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar in El Oued received the regional committee for evaluating the “Study in Algeria” label, consisting of the following professors: Professor Hafez Allah Abdelkader, University of Tebessa, Balouadih Al-Hashemi, University of M’sila, and Ali Khodja Nazir, University of Setif. The committee was accompanied on its visit by the university’s vice-presidents, the university’s secretary-general, the director of the intensive language center, quality and visual officials, the director of the entrepreneurship house, the director of activities, the director of studies for the Faculty of Arts and Languages, officials of the systems and networks center, and international cooperation employees. The meeting took place in the meeting hall of the central administration.
This visit was to evaluate the Study in Algeria label and to determine the extent of the qualification and readiness of the University of El Oued to obtain the label through the criteria of the questionnaire, which are governance, networks and advanced training.
A detailed presentation was given on the extent of the University of El Oued’s readiness to obtain this label and approval with the indicators and standards. The committee members also inspected some centers such as the university’s printing press, the computer science hall in the central library, the monitoring and follow-up center, and the audio-visual studio at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences. The committee was impressed by the work accomplished and the seriousness of the team and the university family led by the university director, Professor Omar Farhati. They thanked the university family for the efforts made, which met all the required standards, and that some of these standards were obtained by the University of El Oued with distinction to achieve the ministry’s orientations on modernizing the Algerian university and its international openness.




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